Ep 102 Her Majesty in Right of Pod --Pt 2 An Extended Heritage Minute

Stephanie and Craig are back with Philippe Lagassé, for the second installment of our special feature: Her Majesty in Right of Pod, a deep-dive on the origins of Canadian public law and constitutional law. In the first chapter, we examined the emergence in the United Kingdom of concepts like the rule of law, parliamentary supremacy, responsible government, and judicial independence. In this chapter, we examine how what happened in England did not stay in England. Here, we talk about the reception of British law into Canada — the law of colonialism, basically. Then we skate through Canadian 19th century history to the Constitution Act 1867 (once known as the British North America Act) and discuss its key qualities for our series. Strap in for Canada’s experiment with governance, a worthwhile Canadian initiative. (Stephanie says this episode is more interesting that the first one.)